What To Do When Your Main Line Is Backed Up

Sometimes, a toilet that's backing up is not a cause for alarm. Your toilet might be simply clogged because of what you have flushed down the toilet or it could be a result of a much more serious issue. You'll want to pay attention to whether other fixtures in your home also don't drain such as your bathtub. This can be a sign of a more serious problem and you might need to hire toilet backup repair services. 

Warning Signs of a Clogged Main Line

If your toilet, bathtub, sink, or other fixtures in your home are backing up, this can be a sign that you have a clogged sewer line. This is typically referred to as a main line clog.

The Most Common Cause

A blocked sewer line can be caused by a variety of issues. One of the most common reasons for a blocked sewer line is that your sewer line has been invaded by tree roots. Trees have the ability to penetrate sewer lines in search of water. They are also looking for the nutrients found in the sewer line and the warmth of the water. 

A tree is able to find small cracks in a pipe and the tree roots work their way into the pipe. They then widen the crack, fill the pipe, and can cause a blockage. Fortunately, there are many things that a plumber can do to stop the blockage.

Easy Fixes

You could do a pressure release if you would like to quickly solve the problem, though you might not be treating the underlying cause. Begin by turning off the main water supply. Then, you will need to find the sewer cleanout line. By removing the cap to the sewer cleanout line, you might be able to relieve pressure for the main water supply.

Chemical treatments are also available that can clear out the main sewer line. However, these chemicals are not always effective and can also be bad for the environment. Oftentimes, it's necessary for a more direct approach.

Removing a Difficult Clog

To be able to clear out the main line, a toilet backup repair service may need to use a special camera to inspect the pipes. When the plumber is able to identify the source of the problem, they will then be able to choose the right mechanical method of removing the roots. This can involve a drain auger or a high-power jet. Then, your toilet will no longer be backed up.

For more information, contact a toilet backup repair service near you.
